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...Eissn vol issue march april i j a m g r o w international journal of ayurveda alternative medicine bi monthly peer reviewed iinntteerrnnaattiioonnaall jjoouurrnnaall ooff aayuyurrvveeddaa aalltteerrnnaattiivvee mmeeddiicciinnee review article understanding shatkriyas yoga through guruprasad k assistant professor department swasthavritta sri jayendra saraswathi college hospital nazarathpet chennai e mail punithakb gmail com th received on february revised accepted may all articles published in ijaam are and can be downloaded printed distributed freely for non commercial purpose see copyright notice below ee gg aa pp this is an open access under the terms creative commons attribution license http creativecommons org licenses by nc nd deed en us which permits unrestricted use distribution reproduction any medium provided original work properly cited ayurved int ayu alt med eis...