File: Simple Distillation Pdf 87876 | Distillation Notes Partvi
nptel chemical mass transfer operation 1 module 5 distillation lecture no 1 5 1 introduction distillation is method of separation of components from a liquid mixture which depends on the ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 15 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Nptel chemical mass transfer operation module distillation lecture no introduction is method of separation components from a liquid mixture which depends on the differences in boiling points individual and distributions between gas phase may have different point characteristics depending concentrations present it therefore processes vapor pressure mixtures created by supplying heat as separating agent new phases differ original their content during most century was far widely used for seader henley this very energy intensive technique especially when relative volatility low mostly carried out multi tray columns packed column with efficient structured packing has also led to increased use vaporization process changes gaseous state opposite called condensation at equilibrium rates these two are same exerted termed temperature quantity following clausius clapeyron equation or using antoine can be calculated joint initiative iits iisc funded mhrd page v p ln r t where pvand pv pressures pa...