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picture1_Interview Method Pdf 87780 | Using Demonstration Method To Improve Students’ Speaking Ability

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File: Interview Method Pdf 87780 | Using Demonstration Method To Improve Students’ Speaking Ability
journe volume 3 number 1 english education study program using demonstration method to improve students speaking ability yulianto sabat heru purwanto stkip pgri sidoarjo jl jenggala kotak pos 149 kemiri ...

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...Journe volume number english education study program using demonstration method to improve students speaking ability yulianto sabat heru purwanto stkip pgri sidoarjo jl jenggala kotak pos kemiri abstract this is conducted develop at ninth garde of smp nurul huda porong through in procedural text it a classroom action research based on kurt lewin design therefore done two cycle and each consist four phases planning acting observing reflecting the data were gathered qualitative quantitative namely interview observation pretest posttest questionnaire finding indicated that implementation teaching was succes skill showed from score where before implementing car mean only passed kkm then after betterbecame there are key words abstrak penelitian ini dilaksanakan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara siswa kelas ix melalui metode demonstrasi dalam pelajaran teks prosedur adalah tindakan menurut pola dari maka ptk dilakukan siklus dimana tiap terdiri tahap perencaan pengamatan hasil pengumpul...

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