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picture1_Education Pdf 87560 | Publication Article

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File: Education Pdf 87560 | Publication Article
a study on the techniques for teaching speaking to the second year students of smp n 1 trangkil publication article submitted as a partial fulfillment of the requirements for getting ...

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...A study on the techniques for teaching speaking to second year students of smp n trangkil publication article submitted as partial fulfillment requirements getting bachelor degree education in english department by lia rusdiningsih school teacher training and muhammadiyah university surakarta written accepted approved board examiners september team examiner drs djoko srijono m hum nip agus wijayanto ph d nik abstract objectives this are describe implemented problems faced methods overcome problem obtain reserch data writer conducted observation took class viii e sample also interviewed found that used question answer role play game student difficulty pronunciation nervousness shyness asking repeat after pronounced some words so they can know correct read dialogue using technique explore their capability making get speak with her his friends front were not afraid shy nervous key introduction foreign language however is challenging task learners since according murcia fauziati an activit...

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