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picture1_Effectivity Of Pursed Lips Breathing To Decrease Respiration Rate (rr) In Patient With Copd  A Systematic Review

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File: Effectivity Of Pursed Lips Breathing To Decrease Respiration Rate (rr) In Patient With Copd A Systematic Review
effectivity of pursed lips breathing to decrease respiration rate rr in patient with copd a systematic review ika endah kurniasih ratri ismiwiranti anita dewi anggrainiand r a gabby novikadarti rahmah ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 14 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Effectivity of pursed lips breathing to decrease respiration rate rr in patient with copd a systematic review ika endah kurniasih ratri ismiwiranti anita dewi anggrainiand r gabby novikadarti rahmah faculty nursing universitas airlangga mulyorejo surabaya indonesia ikaendahkurniasih gmail com dewianggraini fkp unair ac id keywords dyspne abstract intoduction is one disease that increase morbidity and mortality the world pharmacology intervention only was not effective overcome dyspnea as most visible symptom nonpharmacological therapy which help reduce objective this describe method best articles were found using pecot framework some databases ebsco science direct scopus proquest pub med wiley springer link those have been chosen based on criteria result given for about months discussion highly recommended background various countries air pollution other fuels are key risk factors mark et al chronic obstructive pulmonary presence alveoli damage preventable treatable characterized by lu...

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