File: Stick Control For The Snare Drummer Pdf 87524 | Stick Control Unleashed Part I
stick control unleashed part i introduction it s rare that a day goes by that i haven t spent some quality time with g l stone s timeless work stick ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 14 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Stick control unleashed part i introduction it s rare that a day goes by haven t spent some quality time with g l stone timeless work for the modern snare drummer most drummers have copy of and if you re not among crowd suggest pick up on your next trip to drum store in addition being comprehensive well laid out book is just loaded potential redeployment exercises are great getting hands moving so why use them get other limbs involved as following interpretations move stickings around entire set while idea all four working best go easy at first e start two then add third fourth when ready core concepts remarkable how often mere sticking exercise blossoms into rhythm keep this mind goal only feet but also create discover rhythms every page filled ideas line building block own patterns because focus equal attention both will right left handed players suggestions below assume play variations call full playing or lead hand usually cymbal would think terms musical outer supportive role some...