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...Chapter iii method of the study research approach is one way or procedure and technique that selected to collect data do this writer tends analyze language variation used in pojok kampung by taking a deep concern announcer as informer speaker so uses qualitative design based on lia litosseliti concerned with structures patterns how something according anitasari sangidu descriptive natural which produces both oral written forms from people behavior another can be observed researcher will conducted using part get conclusion moreover text analysis particularly oriented toward ethnography methods grounded theory it means all test somehow texts categories since djajasudarma t fatimah metode linguistik ancangan penelitian dan kajian bandung refika aditama p linguistics new york continuum nurin hypocrisy arthur dimmesdale puritan clergyman nathaniel hawthorne s scarlet letter skripsi surakarta uns susanto menyusun usulan laporan surabaya unpublish titscher discourse great britain cromwell pre...