File: Cold Reading Pdf 87452 | Cold Read Prep Checklist
cbsi s cold reading line lifting checklist read and follow before your cold reads follow closely and continue to use this sheet as a guide for all cold reads until ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 14 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Cbsi s cold reading line lifting checklist read and follow before your reads closely continue to use this sheet as a guide for all until you ve got it memorized do the work consistently first remember that is not on memorizing lines write or highlight any of copy no highlighter zone if d like make notes sides ok yourself also hold with one hand through scene couple times by memorize speak words out loud know say them fully phrases are hanging up causing stumble understand who what where am i just labels descriptive adjectives other person e dad girlfriend lawyer etc nature emotional relationship familiar unfamiliar situation in about writer intent want need from intention motive compels move towards activation passion motivation does take place imagine environment non geographical identify partner key will be continual coaching note concentration attention own character give greatest results nouns eyes should only looking at two things ideal keep focused together involves more than peo...