File: Water Purification Methods Pdf 87160 | Wpm Item Download 2022-09-14 17-53-11
what are the methods used water to purify water 1 boiling is by far the most reliable method boiled purification vigorously for 1 minute and allowed to cool to room ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 14 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...What are the methods used water to purify boiling is by far most reliable method boiled purification vigorously for minute and allowed cool room temperature chemical purifiers such as tincture of iodine solution can be add drops litre clear wait minutes before using very cold or cloudy several hours remove taste odor mg vitamin c after adding many types portable filters available with varying degrees effectiveness together designed information services department printed printing hong kong special administrative region government how do you prevent risks from drink borne diseases pollution usually beverages made only caused human animal canned commercially bottled excrement carbonated beer package tours wine safe arranged hotels where clean tap ice cubes should but care still taken when considered potentially contaminated best drinking out avoided among more common infections that travellers don t may acquire shigellosis salmonellosis campylobacteriosis amoebic dysentery giardiasis cry...