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picture1_Mass Spectrometry Pdf 87058 | Ms Lecture Notes 161003 Mcf

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File: Mass Spectrometry Pdf 87058 | Ms Lecture Notes 161003 Mcf
mass spectrometry part of the instrumental analysis in bio molecular chemistry course peter m van galen and martin c feiters department of organic chemistry molecular chemistry cluster institute for molecules ...

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...Mass spectrometry part of the instrumental analysis in bio molecular chemistry course peter m van galen and martin c feiters department organic cluster institute for molecules materials faculty science radboud university nijmegen october contents introduction basic principles gas phase ionization isotopes satellite peaks resolution examples charge location fragmentation identification ion general considerations mechanisms homolytic dissociation heterolytic rearrangements further fragment ions separation remarks sector instruments quadrupole analyzer trap time flight analyser desorption field particle bombardment laser atmospheric pressure spray methods hyphenated techniques some commonly used chemicals ci reagent gases fab matrices biomolecules electrospray peptides proteins post translational modifications polynucleotides polysaccharides overview literature sources one generates from a sample to be analyzed these are then separated quantitatively detected is achieved on basis differen...

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