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File: Strategic Management Accounting Pdf 86753 | Acc 305
international journal of business economics and law vol 12 issue 1 april issn 2289 1552 2017 the effect of strategic management and strategic management accounting system on the performance of ...

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...International journal of business economics and law vol issue april issn the effect strategic management accounting system on performance manufacturing companies in east java using perspective institutional theory ruly berliantiningrum h sunaryanto m ed heri pratikto si abstract growth company spoke about increase value to satisfy stakeholders resulting from better resources have been obtained were designed help achieve this research was conducted with reference concept that determine achievement which states legitimacy can improve results previous not revealed causal relationships regarding systems purpose study explain influence institutionalization enterprises is a quantitative paradigm explanation manifold uses as samples instrument measure indicated by size financial non while both two tools measurement consists three dimensions environment level impact total population has determined sample data many located analyzed kendal tau one tailed nonparametric analysis findings showed po...

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