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File: Strategic Management Accounting Pdf 86693 | Chapter 16 294c2c2e4137b2223f0a53fc8ead888f
16 strategic management accounting 16 1 introduction and objectives traditionally management accounting has been characterised as providing information to aid managers internally in a firm and as such the focus ...

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...Strategic management accounting introduction and objectives traditionally has been characterised as providing information to aid managers internally in a firm such the focus of systems also tended be orientated during s growing number academics johnson kaplan bromwich bhimani began recognise that was not adapting changes modern business environment fulfilling its function bid improve quality for manag ers it necessary more widely on external thus concept evolved now involves provision which is externally market driven customer focused provides with range techniques tools facilitate strategically decision making after studying this chapter you should able discuss development key elements understand difference between traditional evaluate analytical link strategy managerial why definitions evolution order fully appreciate organisa tions over last years first main change relation competitive organisations they have seen significant from opening barriers trade allowing global competition t...

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