method 3540c soxhlet extraction 1 0 scope and application 1 1 method 3540 is a procedure for extracting nonvolatile and semivolatile organic compounds from solids such as soils sludges and ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 14 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Method c soxhlet extraction scope and application is a procedure for extracting nonvolatile semivolatile organic compounds from solids such as soils sludges wastes the process ensures intimate contact of sample matrix with solvent this applicable to isolation concentration water insoluble slightly soluble organics in preparation variety chromatographic procedures restricted use by or under supervision trained analysts each analyst must demonstrate ability generate acceptable results summary solid mixed anhydrous sodium sulfate placed an thimble between two plugs glass wool extracted using appropriate extractor extract then dried concentrated if necessary exchanged into compatible cleanup determinative step being employed interferences refer apparatus materials mm id ml round bottom flask drying column pyrex at note fritted discs are difficult decontaminate after highly contaminated extracts have been passed through columns without frits may be purchased small pad retain adsorbent prewa...