food processing and preservation technology principles of food preservation m shafiur rahman principles of food preservation m shafiur rahman department of bioresource and agricultural engineering sultan qaboos university muscat sultanate ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 14 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Food processing and preservation technology principles of m shafiur rahman department bioresource agricultural engineering sultan qaboos university muscat sultanate oman keywords ohmic heating high pressure natural preservatives anti microbials water activity glass transition disinfaction shelf life sell by date drying freezing deterioration methods irradiation packaging ultrasound quality management contents introduction causes inhibition use chemicals controls structure control atmosphere inactivation heat energy electricity radiation avoid recontamination factors to be considered conclusion glossary bibliography biographical sketch summary involves the action taken maintain foods with desired properties or nature for as long possible process is now moving from an art a highly interdisciplinary science this chapter provides overview emphasis avoiding final section discussion that need in order satisfy present future demands consumers law enforcing authorities throughout most world in...