journal of entomology and zoology studies 2016 4 5 37 44 e issn 2320 7078 p issn 2349 6800 fishing methods use of indigenous knowledge and jezs 2016 4 5 ...
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...Journal of entomology and zoology studies e issn p fishing methods use indigenous knowledge jezs traditional practices in fisheries management received accepted lake kolleru ch sebastian raju department j chandra sekhara rao k govinda aquaculture acharya nagarjuna university g simhachalam nagar guntur andhra pradesh india abstract a survey was conducted aimed at assessing the adopted by fishermen wet land international importance only ramsar site from information collected participatory rapid appraisal covering fifteen villages around field visits study indicated that diverse range gears have been evolved over long period time to capture wide fish species commercial exploitation comprising gill nets cast traps etc discussed recorded during it is evident dugout canoe plank built boats are most extensively used craft net commonly implements among all devices kampagudu gaya unique assured method capturing fishes no destructive for keywords gear introduction crafts very essential scientifi...