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picture1_Kriya Yoga Pdf 86430 | Kriya E Booklet Eng

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File: Kriya Yoga Pdf 86430 | Kriya E Booklet Eng
what is untying the cord of breath which binds the soul to the body kriya serves to prolong life and enlarge the consciousness to innity the yoga method overcomes the ...

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...What is untying the cord of breath which binds soul to body kriya serves prolong life and enlarge consciousness innity yoga method overcomes tug war between mind matter bound senses frees devotee reinherit guidelines for receiving initiation into his eternal kingdom sacred science self realization paramhansa yogananda dedicated universal upward path chapter one xibu jt lsjzb zphb an advanced technique spiritual evolution that comes down from higher ages enlightenment part ancient raja it referred by patanjali in sutras sri krishna bhagavad gita while actual can be revealed only initiates its purpose basic nature have been described both kriyananda their respective au tobiographies chapters this subject yogi mentally directs energy revolve downward b tqfdjgjd nfejubujpo ufdiojrvf around six spinal centers medullary cervical dorsal lumbar sacral coccy accelerates human leads god real geal plexuses correspond twelve astral signs zodiac symbolic ization was revived modern age immortal guru...

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