File: Technology Pdf 86429 | Organic Pest Management Final
sustainable agriculture a program of the national center for appropriate technology 1 800 346 9140 www attra ncat org tipsheet organic pest management how organic pest management works pest management ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 14 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Sustainable agriculture a program of the national center for appropriate technology www attra ncat org tipsheet organic pest management how works in systems necessarily relies on preventing problems from becoming economi cally damaging prevention turn maintaining vibrant and healthy soil ecology as well supporting biodiversity above ground through diverse rotations pro viding habitat beneficial organisms reducing habi tat pests when preventative measures which include physical cultural controls are not able to control populations option last resort is use allowed pesticides regular monitoring your crop buy hand lens will vide information about status both benefi cial it important be identify critters beneficials neu nd three instar cabbage loopers creating window pane damage tral various life stages help alert farmer potentially cials what they eat may infestations photo rex dufour pheromone traps release insects trap crops other organically approved techniques see rules relating next ...