real analysis ii homework 4 cihanbahran folland chapter 5 1 if x is a normed vector space over k r or c then addition and scalar multiplication are continuous from ...
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...Real analysis ii homework cihanbahran folland chapter if x is a normed vector space over k r or c then addition and scalar multiplication are continuous from to moreover the norm in fact kxk kyk kx yk since has metric topology show that map into it suces inverse image of balls open we write for z have br y zk now given b there exists such mk m get kzk therefore as this holds every on other hand by choosing thus sup so with d assume complete let xn be an absolutely convergent series n choose kf fk conclude kfk lim nk f contradicting exist meager subsets whose complements lebesgue measure zero qk enumeration rational numbers e q consider set t observe hence claim complement ec nowhere dense subset indeed closed empty interior case because otherwise would contain interval...