File: Farming Pdf 86272 | Hdra Water Harvesting And Conservation
water harvesting and conservation 2 water harvesting and conservation in many farming areas readily available water is in short supply although the total annual rainfall in an area may be ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 14 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Water harvesting and conservation in many farming areas readily available is short supply although the total annual rainfall an area may be enough to sustain farm needs it often distributed very unevenly so that long dry periods are interspersed with of intense cases a crop unable use high proportion this as much lost through run off or leaching also cause soil erosion loss nutrients techniques described booklet aim maximise gather from termed catchment channel cropping wherever required conserve within biomass by reducing keeping where falls possible principles deciding which make more efcient important consider how crops receive lose irrigation stored they evaporation drainage some key on effective management rainwater effectively climates downpours cannot used storage such external catchments roof top collection increase availability drier seasons harvest wider making measures can taken avoid running surface during explained below reserves stores providing reserve depends type rooti...