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picture1_Pharmaceutical Analysis Pdf 86112 | Pharmaceutical Analysis I

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File: Pharmaceutical Analysis Pdf 86112 | Pharmaceutical Analysis I
module handbook module name pharmaceutical analysis i module level bachelor abbreviation if applicable lecture kia206 practical work kia207 sub heading if applicable courses included in the module if applicable semester ...

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...Module handbook name pharmaceutical analysis i level bachelor abbreviation if applicable lecture kia practical work sub heading courses included in the semester term second year coordinator s prof dr rer nat mochammad yuwono ms apt lecturer m faris adrianto farm sudjarwo djoko agus p amiruddin prawita noor erma n isnaeni asri darmawati zainuddin drs achmad toto poernomo si riesta primaharinastiti febri annuryanti sc language bahasa indonesia classification within compulsory course elective studies curriculum teaching format class hours per week during minutes lectures classes workload total a credit points requirements learning goal competencies knowledge to understand concept of pharmacy science and technology through scientific reasoning based on logical thinking critical systematic innovative decision maker communicator teacher researcher identity purity dosage drug ingredients preparations with appropriate chromatographic spectroscopic electrochemistry basic concepts principles thi...

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