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...Staining methods to demonstrate special specific tissues module histology and cytology notes introduction biological tissue has little inherent contrast in either the light or electron microscope is employed give both as well highlighting particular features of interest where underlying mechanistic chemistry understood term histochemistry used objectives after reading this lesson you will be able z describe various for demonstrating trichrome stain a combination three different dyes identify cells elements aim collagen muscle fibers histological section reagents bouin s solution saturated picric acid ml formaldehyde glacial acetic mix all improves quality weigert iron hematoxylin stock gm alcohol b ferric chloride water distilled hydrochloric concentrated working equal parts works months biebrich scarlet fuchsin biebric aqueous acitic phosphomolybdic phosphotungstic aniline blue control skin procedure de paraffinize rehydrate through graded wash fix slides one hour at c rinse running t...