module decalcification histology and cytology 6 notes decalcification 6 1 introduction the presence of calcium salts in tissues makes them hard this causes damage to the knife difficulty in cutting ...
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...Module decalcification histology and cytology notes introduction the presence of calcium salts in tissues makes them hard this causes damage to knife difficulty cutting tissue is normally present bones teeth may also be normal pathological conditions like necrotic tuberculosis objectives after reading lesson you will able z describe explain different methods chemical physical tests estimate remaining aim remove from make amenable for sectioning preparation calcified should first cut into small pieces mm with a thin blade hacksaw or sharp order minimize tearing surrounding process followed by fixation buffered formalin any other desired fixative must thoroughly washed excess removed before specimen subjected acid ion exchange resin electrical ionization chelating surface satisfy following complete removal minimal distortion cell morphology no interference during staining straightforward but successful it requires careful preliminary assessment thorough slices reasonable thickness proces...