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File: Buteyko Pdf 85982 | Article 213069 De88cdf73efcc090401555b83f070c69
mansoura nursing journal mnj vol 8 no 2 2021 print issn 2735 4121 online issn 2735 413x buteyko breathing technique the golden way for controlling asthma among children 1esraa elwan ...

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...Mansoura nursing journal mnj vol no print issn online x buteyko breathing technique the golden way for controlling asthma among children esraa elwan mohammed hassan fawzia elsayed abusaad boshra attia demonstrator in pediatric department faculty of university professor assistant e mail mans edu eg esraaelwan gmail com fawziaabusaad toboshra yahoo corresponding author abstract is one chronic respiratory disorder affecting all age group it characterized by long term airway inflammation with symptoms such as dyspnea wheezes shortness breath and episodes coughing variable severity possible effects other problems to are often attributed restrictions activity its dangerous consequences despite there a better awareness causes that cause new pharmacological measures available treatment goal ensure many worldwide have access cost effective management methods minimize morbidity mortality this can be achieved combination medical therapy complementary alternative medicine techniques method bbt dis...

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