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File: Dating Methods In Archaeology Pdf 85892 | 9ef5b243f18ff21f1ed388118d7c3b94
his6e01 principles and methods of archaeology module 4 absoluteandrelativedating prepared by priyanka e k dept of history little flower college guruvayoor archaeological scientists have two primary ways of telling the ...

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...Hise principles and methods of archaeology module absoluteandrelativedating prepared by priyanka e k dept history little flower college guruvayoor archaeological scientists have two primary ways telling the age artefacts sites from which they came relative dating absolute types there are mainly i ii or chronometric fixes a time frame in relation to other strata material not dates numbers it can only define antiquity terms older younger than something else makes possible arrange series things proper chronological order but is difficult know total span involved intervals between on hand technique exhibit chronology years offers precise accurate may be marginal errors almost negligible some common widely applied datingmethods carbon potassium argon thermoluminesenceor tl dendrochronology etc early stage prehistoric studies was last fifty with emergence c method has been change scenario however still those areas where deposits containing organic materials cannot dated any techniques severa...

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