part ii methodology and techniques of kriya yoga disclaimer the techniques described herein are exposed for study purposes only and should serve as a comparison with the works of other ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 14 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Part ii methodology and techniques of kriya yoga disclaimer the described herein are exposed for study purposes only should serve as a comparison with works other researchers author hopes this work will inspire intelligent feedback any remarks criticism corrections or additions welcome before you begin posing all kinds questions to yourself read through iii book so have thorough understanding matter ll find that go it many be answered in my opinion certain delicate e g maha mudra pranayama thokar yoni require help an expert check their execution each person is different not possible predict what effects intensive practice might on particular individual disclaims responsibility case negative results especially if practiced without first having checked by those who intend carry do due sense sacredness awareness wealth can bring life although right duty control your own destiny securing counsel guidance indispensable when please advise them physical problems such high blood pressure lung ...