File: Technology Pdf 85667 | Controldevicesfactsheet07
fact sheet air pollution emission control devices for stationary sources introduction stationary sources of air pollution emissions such as power plants steel mills smelters cement plants refineries and other industrial ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 14 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Fact sheet air pollution emission control devices for stationary sources introduction of emissions such as power plants steel mills smelters cement refineries and other industrial processes release contaminants into the atmosphere particulates aerosols vapors or gases these are typically controlled to high efficiencies using a wide range selection appropriate technology is determined by pollutant collected source conditions efficiency required in some cases can be reduced significantly through process modifications combustion controls however most instances form add on equipment installed ductwork flues leading smoke stack meet current allowable limits common methods eliminating reducing gaseous pollutants include destroying thermal catalytic use flare temperature incinerator reactor changing less harmful forms chemical reactions converting nitrogen oxides nox water addition ammonia flue gas front selective collecting systems before they reach commonly used controlling particulate elec...