File: Water Purification Methods Pdf 85666 | Bullwho00538 0227
820 notes the purification of water on a small scale a note prepared by robert newton clark division of environmental sanitation who there are three general methods for the purification ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 14 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Notes the purification of water on a small scale note prepared by robert newton clark division environmental sanitation who there are three general methods for an individual or domestic boiling b chemical disinfection and c filtration these can be used singly in combination is satisfactory method destroying disease organisms it equally effective whether clear cloudy relatively pure heavily contaminated with organic matter destroys all forms usually encountered they bacteria spores cercariae cysts ova amount fuel required to boil varies type fire stove vessel under conditions associated drinking requires about kg wood one litre two pounds per quart safe must brought rolling appearance ofbubbles simmering sometimes confused as appear ance mist steam over none signs sufficient indication that has reached temperature good practice same container which cooled stored use this no other purpose alters taste because drives out dissolved gases particularly carbon dioxide frequent admonition aera...