st proceedings of the 1 international conference on natural resources engineering technology 2006 th 24 25 july 2006 putrajaya malaysia 664 670 modelling of andrographolide extraction from andrographis paniculata leaves ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 14 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...St proceedings of the international conference on natural resources engineering technology th july putrajaya malaysia modelling andrographolide extraction from andrographis paniculata leaves in a soxhlet extractor c kumoro and masitah hasan department chemical faculty university malaya pantai valley kuala lumpur abstract is main diterpenoid lactone contained this bioactive component has multifunctional medicinal properties such as activity against fever dysentery diarrhoea inflammation sore throat well immune disorder to date usually carried out using liquid organic solvent was by employing methanol standard method five grams ground dried extracted m at different times crude methanolic extracts were then analysed their content high performance chromatography mathematical model based rapid mass transfer interphase solid surface introduction volumetric coefficient been developed describe phenomena final e t form where total extract g s time second showed good agreement with experimental ...