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picture1_Food Preservation Methods Pdf 85630 | 1500358238m 21

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File: Food Preservation Methods Pdf 85630 | 1500358238m 21
methods of preservation of meat module 21 methods of preservation of poultry meat introduction meat is a highly perishable food susceptible to deterioration by microbial growth chemical change and breakdown ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 14 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Methods of preservation meat module poultry introduction is a highly perishable food susceptible to deterioration by microbial growth chemical change and breakdown endogenous enzymes destroying using heating procedures cooking canning or removal water drying osmotic control ginger chutney pickle use chemicals inhibit very recently ionising radiation traditionally in wind sun salting smoking preserve it how deep freeze easiest way for the short term freezing wrapped tightly foil plastic package salt used as means preserving either rubbed on dipped brine vinegar spices keeps parasites bacteria away up six months add taste jerky popular method out...

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