chapter 6 abc analysis chapter 6 discussed the abc analysis on the data taken from this retailer the medicine category is analyzed based on its sales rate this chapter is ...
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...Chapter abc analysis discussed the on data taken from this retailer medicine category is analyzed based its sales rate divided into two major parts namely collection and of can be performed therefore study uses period january september essential attribute demand for each product was carried out periodically in october used one that has been selected to transferred an unused rack because placement still messy medical products are different racks results determine which should increased increase will focus arrange there classes a b c helps see s revenue contribution seen calculation starts by calculating obtained per nine months multiplied selling price then second step find total cumulative calculated class plot item also according sutardi budiasih needs sorted highest smallest after being classification started example antangin cair madu ml furthermore rp x getting next calculate cum previous classify every classified process already explained table it existing below division as retail...