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picture1_Strategic Management Accounting Pdf 85502 | 234630311

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File: Strategic Management Accounting Pdf 85502 | 234630311
research journal of finance and accounting www iiste org issn 2222 1697 paper issn 2222 2847 online vol 5 no 23 2014 strategic management accounting mahmoud lari dashtbayaz department of ...

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...Research journal of finance and accounting www iiste org issn paper online vol no strategic management mahmoud lari dashtbayaz department mashhad branch ferdowsi university iran shaban mohammadi islamic azad quchan ali abstract the main objective this is to introduce in world at what stage process moving it how direction reason for has been done study literature theoretical foundations then following model developed countries japan have used content strategy can be broadly defined as way an organization despite nearly year history its still not able introduced essential element modern requires new aims help managers analysis will ensure usefulness necessary objectives near term traditionally strategies future looking long decisions while retrospective overview company achieve short goals planned identifying collecting selecting analyzing data assist team decision making organizational effectiveness assessment must describes definition variants their use are discussed consolidation acti...

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