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picture1_Technology Pdf 85429 | Teachingmethods Copy

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File: Technology Pdf 85429 | Teachingmethods Copy
teaching or instructional methods stephen petrina from petrina s 2007 advanced teaching methods for the technology classroom london idea group inc general models and families of teaching or instructional methods ...

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...Teaching or instructional methods stephen petrina from s advanced for the technology classroom london idea group inc general models and families of are guides designing educational activities environments experiences they help to specify patterns these strategies depend on a number factors such as developmental level students goals intent objectives teacher content environment including time physical setting resources imagine course that challenges teachers meet single method cannot all our nor can accommodate learning styles at once example demonstrations projects effective meeting some but ineffective others so we need toolbox not merely tool in most terms there four five different having spent years schools you will recognize each probably have strong preferences one two didactic direct verbal typically form lecture presentation modeling visual demonstration practice managerial indirect interactive facilitation individualization management dialogic socratic technique dialogue questi...

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