File: Technology Pdf 85245 | Sti Outlook 12 Pp Thematic Emerging Tech
iii 9 sti policy profiles facing new challenges policies for emerging technologies rationale and objectives a range of dynamic new disciplines and technologies are reshaping the landscape in terms of ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 13 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Iii sti policy profiles facing new challenges policies for emerging technologies rationale and objectives a range of dynamic disciplines are reshaping the landscape in terms what science can achieve biotechnology genomics nanotechnology synthetic biology developments information communication icts physics engineering sustainable growth search alternative sources energy now part national research agendas seen as instrumental meeting global well societal needs at home they also strong contributors to future economic an increasingly technology driven world emergence these their increasing convergence presents both opportunities makers historically focused on long term strategies basic funding must be continuously reviewed updated take account fields optimise ways discoveries from forward major aspects defining which truly is difficult because so few usual metrics journal citations number researchers field budgets products market readily available such clearly little was known about them e...