chapter 5 technology and technology transfer march 2014 this chapter should be cited as eria and oecd 2014 technology and technology transfer in eria sme research working group ed asean ...
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...Chapter technology and transfer march this should be cited as eria oecd in sme research working group ed asean policy index towards competitive innovative smes project report pp jakarta introduction assessment framework s on innovation intarakumnerd ueki confirms that the improvement of capability local firms region depends how successfully they have leveraged their internal external resources study shows improved capabilities through university industry linkages locally available to them role universities has evolved from traditional activities education basic a third mission commercialization public institutes industrial associations governmental private sector intermediaries others can help develop variety knowledge sharing one major obstacle prevents doing innovations building up absorptive capacity is perception costs risks being too high another for lack technological facilities like testing quality assurance calibration centers these require lot investment market mechanism alone...