File: Technology Development Pdf 85075 | 125924590
advances in economics business and management research volume 105 1st international scientific and practical conference on digital economy iscde 2019 economic impacts and historical factors of the technology development hasanova ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 13 Sep 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Advances in economics business and management research volume st international scientific practical conference on digital economy iscde economic impacts historical factors of the technology development hasanova j v nadjafova k a azerbaijan state university baku hasanovacemile mail ru kamala abstract purpose this is to explain such useful for them contribute relationship between technological social political progress growth provide systematic approach that why concept transfer ii methodology expansion are discussed accordance with different stages rapid has had significant literature subject estimated at impact human life every person undoubtedly an varying periodicities basis turkey world history account networks his her close contact studies have shown may boost technologies also influences brain experts assume it was found not stand alone people work hard their if about aspect innovation does how factor influence time keywords firstly let us consider short study our historic importa...