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picture1_Automobile Engineering Pdf 85071 | Automobile Engineering(ubmc701)

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File: Automobile Engineering Pdf 85071 | Automobile Engineering(ubmc701)
department of mechanical engineering ubmc701 automobile engineering question bank unit i vehicle structure and engines part a two marks questions 1 define automobile give the typical specifications of an automobile ...

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...Department of mechanical engineering ubmc automobile question bank unit i vehicle structure and engines part a two marks questions define give the typical specifications an name fastest car bike in world what are advantages diesel cars why petrol preferred for wheelers not commercial state advantage uni body construction over on frame front engine rear wheel drive differentiate between where four drives is used chassis suspension how its design related to aerodynamics list forces acting functions narrow at stresses which members subjected types frames requirements bodies various vehicles coupe sedan different kind resistances motion factors that affect rolling resistance need gearbox function clutch material piston ring flywheel sate difference carburetor fuel injector b six bof vs explain integral semi type with suitable reasons usage most layout about all sketch draw simple solid locate major components loads briefly discuss justify gear box any method manufacturing using single cyli...

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