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File: Technology Pdf 84978 | 379058 None 01414153
automotive engineering education journals volume 01 number 01 2020 issn 2302 335x vocational motorcycle technology competency improvement training for smk students pelatihan peningkatan kompetensi teknologi sepeda motor siswa smk 1 ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 13 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Automotive engineering education journals volume number issn x vocational motorcycle technology competency improvement training for smk students pelatihan peningkatan kompetensi teknologi sepeda motor siswa hasan maksum ahmad arif toto sugiarto wawan purwanto dedi setiawan abstract aims to improve intelligence knowledge personality noble character and skills live independently be ready work according their fields however in reality graduates have the highest unemployment rate which is this caused by low of towards needs du di competence that must possessed department problem lies facilities infrastructure school practicums are limited inadequate therefore activity help government prospective solok regency conducting trainees were class xi smkn bukit sundi based on implementation evaluation results achieved as planned namely increasing competencies so before entering expected reduce keywords student abstrak bertujuan meningkatkan kecerdasan pengetahuan kepribadian akhlak mulia serta ket...

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