61 3 1 basic automobile engineering l t p 3 1 rationale a diploma holder in automobile engineering should have an overall view of automobiles before learning the detail aspects ...
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...Basic automobile engineering l t p rationale a diploma holder in should have an overall view of automobiles before learning the detail aspects various systems this subject provides broad knowledge about power plant electrical system transmission final drive braking front axle steering frame and chassis will be helpful to students co relating with each other understanding individual better manner detailed contents introduction hrs classification vehicles on basis load wheels fuel used axles position engine body definition only layout function major components vehicle their different such as clutch gear box suspension just line diagrams utility thermodynamics first second law concept otto cycle diesel types automotive fuels properties air requirement for complete combustion static pressure pascal s head flow liquid laminar turbulent continuity velocity datum total bernoulli theorem no derivation simple numericals through pipes hydraulic pumps friction losses reciprocating centrifugal pum...