2005 american control conference thc14 2 june 8 10 2005 portland or usa challenges and opportunities in automotive transmission control zongxuan sun and kumar hebbale research and development center general ...
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...American control conference thc june portland or usa challenges and opportunities in automotive transmission zongxuan sun kumar hebbale research development center general motors corporation warren mi abstract is a key element many of the new automatic transmissions at powertrain that connects power source to clutch shift adopted reduce cost wheels vehicle improve fuel economy packaging this involves electronic emission enhance driving performance both oncoming offgoing clutches technologies have been introduced timing coordination between them addition area recent years paper first eliminating valves accumulators etc reviews different types eliminates coasting explains their unique characteristics we freewheelers greatly simplifying then address facing mechanical content absence these devices from three aspects calibration makes robust shifts scheduling sensing actuation challenge electronics along way opportunies further system are discussed hhyydrdraauulliicc f flluiuid id innlleett...