aplikasi model tam technology acceptance model pada perilaku pengguna instagram 1 putu ayu mira witriyanti wida ni nyoman kerti yasa2 3 i putu gde sukaatmadja 123 fakultas ekonomi dan bisnis ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 13 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Aplikasi model tam technology acceptance pada perilaku pengguna instagram putu ayu mira witriyanti wida ni nyoman kerti yasa i gde sukaatmadja fakultas ekonomi dan bisnis universitas udayana unud bali indonesia e mail mirameilan gmail com telp abstarct the purpose of this study was to describe perception its influence on attitudes and adoption respondents in were users from various groups with proviso purposive sampling has been used for at least months buying selling online methods data collection instruments a questionnaire analysis using structural equation sem amos spss software program research base original variables namely perceived ease use usefulness attitude toward actual usage results showed that positive significant impact also had found form direct without further suggested increasing interest enthusiasm people more frequent socialization audience uses is easy rewarding work market buy products keywords pendahuluan universal dalam lingkungan internet teknologi informasi se...