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picture1_Technology Pdf 84845 | Gleiss Technology Impact Types

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File: Technology Pdf 84845 | Gleiss Technology Impact Types
working paper pre print technology impact types for digital transformation key pousttchi alexander gleiss benedikt buzzi marco kohlhagen chair for business informatics and digitalization university of potsdam gleiss uni potsdam ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 13 Sep 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Working paper pre print technology impact types for digital transformation key pousttchi alexander gleiss benedikt buzzi marco kohlhagen chair business informatics and digitalization university of potsdam uni de abstract is based on direct indirect effects the application technologies techniques organizational economic conditions one hand new products services other its can be distinguished in three dimensions value creation model proposition customer interaction provides a generic that helps exploring potential cause effect relationships between their company along case studies outcome threefold systematic categorization set detailed with subgroups coherent causes keywords ict introduction besides constantly increasing computing power miniaturization classical it components ubiquitous integration these into all has to taken account especially conjunction comprehensive use sensors actors including audio video recordings mobile communication networking automated very low latency interne...

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