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picture1_Technology Pdf 84830 | Gupea 2077 38592 1

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File: Technology Pdf 84830 | Gupea 2077 38592 1
an analysis of technology acceptance model exploring user acceptance and intension of taxi hailing app in shanghai bachelor of science thesis in the programme software engineering and management zi yu ...

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...An analysis of technology acceptance model exploring user and intension taxi hailing app in shanghai bachelor science thesis the programme software engineering management zi yu liu university gothenburg chalmers department computer goteborg sweden september author grants to non exclusive right publish work electronically a commercial pur pose make it accessible on internet warrants that he she is does not contain text pictures or other material violates copyright law shall when transferring rights third party for example publisher company acknowledge about this agreement if has signed with regarding war rants hereby obtained any necessary permission from let store elec tronically examiner richard torkar se telephone page abstract study examines motivations perceptions adoption users towards hail ing based tam large metropolitan setting two hundred eleven were surveyed their patterns usage demographic behavioural intentions use online service results confirm are sig nificantly associate...

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