File: Construction Pdf 84736 | Sec11 Item Download 2022-09-13 14-46-13
reclamation safety and health standards may 2020 section 11 material handling storage and disposal section 11 material handling storage and disposal 11 1 scope this section sets forth the program ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 13 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Reclamation safety and health standards may section material handling storage disposal scope this sets forth the program requirements for safe materials including construction hazardous applies to all bureau of employees within facilities owned controlled occupied by general shall not create a hazard ensure stored in tiers are blocked interlocked limited height so they stable secure against falling sliding or collapse store on pallets discourage rodent infestation immediately clean up spills leaks that habitat when using slings hoist bagged lumber bricks masonry blocks similar loosely stacked have been inspected prior use loads fully secured straps sideboards nets other suitable devices see standard rshs rigging hardware hoisting pile driving equipment additional information operations worker workers be observed annually during manual tasks evaluate following ergonomic risk factors evaluation methods include but national institute occupational niosh lifting equation rapid upper limb as...