File: Building Pdf 84554 | Residential Plan And Building Permit Requirements
residential building plan requirements city of north pole 125 snowman lane north pole ak 99705 tel 907 488 2281 fax 907 488 3002 residential building permit the items below as ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 13 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Residential building plan requirements city of north pole snowman lane ak tel fax permit the items below as appropriate shall be included when submitting architectural plans construction drawings for review applying a separate permits are required electrical plumbing and mechanical work two complete sets submitted with application unless department authorizes that not plot is drawn to scale fully dimensioned accurately identifies correct distance all property lines copy fairbanks star borough zoning attached shows location water sewer services known easements foundation view identifying perimeter system including interior spread or pier footings typical section detail wall footing in compliance code size concrete encased electrode specifies damp proofing material daylight full basements note makes available pre approved details may used projects floor framing joist supporting members each spacing joists beams headers posts blocking stair type lumber grade i e df hf spf minimum inch foo...