File: Construction Pdf 84393 | 29 Item Download 2022-09-13 11-52-16
issn 2277 9655 impact factor 4 116 ic value 3 00 coden ijess7 ijesrt international journal of engineering sciences research technology modular construction technique joseph yel akok dr om prakask ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 13 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Issn impact factor ic value coden ijess ijesrt international journal of engineering sciences research technology modular construction technique joseph yel akok dr om prakask b tech student department civil suresh gyan vihar university jaipur india professor doi zenodo abstract is widely used for single and double storey as well multi story residential buildings has played an important role producing elements quickly efficiently the modules are produced in a factory then transported to site being prepared assembled houses innovation that potential tackle issues related environmental sustainability concerns at rapid rate mechanizes process enabling mass manufacture affordable short time period keywords prefabrication transportability flexibility introduction which building constructed off under controlled conditions it uses same materials design structures codes standards bye laws conventionally built facilities but compared conventional house manufactured when put together on they look ...