cost estimating guide for road construction usda forest service northern region engineering published september 8 2020 part i contents part ii division 100 general requirements 7 general information and instructions ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 13 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Cost estimating guide for road construction usda forest service northern region engineering published september part i contents ii division general requirements information and instructions engineer s estimate table location adjustment factor public works davis bacon zones timber sale purchaser wage rate adjustments labor percentages differentials iii project section mobilization survey staking base p line surveys factors new major reconstruction wages per diem surveying contractor quality control sampling testing field test method traffic soil erosion sediment costs percent associated with water pollution watering dust fixed haul m gallon ton a truck in idaho montana variable gallons mile iv earthwork clearing grubbing figure r w to acre page of pm government or cooperator equivalent volume using average diameters stem spacing ground slope slash treatment tops limbs logs stumps additional features back existing roads removal structures obstructions excavation embankment conservation t...