File: Building Pdf 84282 | Nsw Guide To Standards And Tolerances
new south wales guide to standards and tolerances 2017 13 32 20 fairtrading nsw gov au guide to standards and tolerances 2017 1 disclaimer the content in this guide is ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 13 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...New south wales guide to standards and tolerances fairtrading nsw gov au disclaimer the content in this is based on technical industry that describe or refer what considered an acceptable standard of finished workmanship home building construction please note a only all other documents prescribing statutory contractual requirements relevant state territory legislation which work has been undertaken contract for take precedence over parties project should agree they consider appropriate include comprehensive detail apply agreed variations covered it be noted may not with second hand recycled materials products use these must stated fit purpose suitable proposed acknowledgement was produced by fair trading would like thank victorian authority their kind permission as basis publication copyright november revised january acting through supports encourages reuse its publicly funded information licensed under creative commons attribution licence more visit ftw page diagrams included have rep...