e3s web of conferences 253 01064 2021 https doi org 10 1051 e3sconf 202125301064 eem 2021 research on testing technology of building engineering materials 1 renwei shan 1jiangxi open university ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 13 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Es web of conferences https doi org esconf eem research on testing technology building engineering materials renwei shan jiangxi open university nanchang china abstract with the rapid development s economy construction urbanization is also accelerating and social puts forward higher standards for projects in one important factors affecting quality at present there are many kinds involved operations only by conscientiously grasping all strictly accordance technical specifications can be assured good not defends our country but protects people life property safety or civil different introduction affect structure outline inside outside divided into since reform opening up especially after entering structural decorative special century society has undergone this paper will discuss significance great changes cause socialist material to achieved fruitful results economic have been greatly developed speeding work x plays a very role process under every city industrial innovation tall building...