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picture1_Building Pdf 84247 | Hia Contract117668

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File: Building Pdf 84247 | Hia Contract117668
victorian alterations additions and renovations contract owners job to verify your builder is a hia member call 1902 973 555 hia contracts online based on paper copy version dated january ...

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...Victorian alterations additions and renovations contract owners job to verify your builder is a hia member call contracts online based on paper copy version dated january all rights reserved no part of this document may be reproduced stored copied distributed or transmitted in any form by means without the prior written consent notice approved director fair trading business affairs pursuant section n domestic building act cooling off period owner you end within five clear days after receipt signed filling below giving it one following ways personally leaving at his her address set out with person who appears least years old sending pre paid registered post facsimile number if detach along dotted line that ended cannot withdraw from under have previously entered into major substantially same terms for carrying work relation home land received independent legal advice practicing solicitor concerning before entering i we give our please refund deposit less pocket expenses incurred which s...

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