part ii eco efficiency chapter 5 evaluation of construction materials and products coordinators milan veljkovic heli koukkari ruben paul borg 5 1 overview on eco efficiency of constructions m veljkovic ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 13 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Part ii eco efficiency chapter evaluation of construction materials and products coordinators milan veljkovic heli koukkari ruben paul borg overview on constructions m lulea university technology sweden ltu se h vtt technical research centre finland espoo fi r p faculty for the built environment malta um edu mt v stoian politehnica timisoara valeriu ct upt ro z plewako rzeszow poland plewakoz prz pl introduction physical existence mainstream technologies rely large consumption nature s resources building activities including manufacture are material energy intensive as such in addition use operation cause even more environmental risks due to growths world population economy middle class well urbanization urban sprawl trends indicate a constantly increasing share overall resource extraction tends increase from its current about billion tonnes eu unep amount mineral used one third all oecd global development is presented fig figure total krausman et al integrated approach towards sustain...